Okay already - Here are more pics of everyone's favorite baby- Me
Ger Gram is getting upset because we are running behind with pictures so here is the new batch. Today I am 4 weeks old.
These first few are about a week or so old
This is me sleeping, I do a lot of this just not at night when mommy would like me to. Aren't I cute

This one has me and My mommy

These are my new baby Guinea Pigs they were born just a little while after me. I think I am still cuter.

Here I am with my dad, Just hanging out and keeping cool. He's watching TV but I am watching mom. She's the one with the food and food is better than TV.

Would you look at the face my daddy is making, kinda scary if you ask me.

And Last but certainly not Least, here is me looking adorable in my Froggys that Melisa gave me. I like froggys and lizards.

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