It looks like today will be the day
But Looks Can be deceiving
My mommy went to the hospital today because I tricked her. See when she went out to lunch today I decided to play and I gave her the first contraction of my birth. I even arranged it through the powers that be to have Gram call her at the exact same time the contraction started. For the next four hours we had contractions together exactly 5 minutes apart. So my mommy decided to be smart and call the doctor who told her to go to the hospital.
We arrived at the hospital about 4PM with my grandma, daddy showed up about 6. This is their first hospital picture. They looked so happy and ready to go.

Then I made them wait. I was offended that they they thought I should go out into the world in the middle of the night. That was my sleepy time. Didn't they know that. To get back at mommy for wanting to make me visit the new world at such a late hour of the night I decided to be stuborn and stayed right there in my nice warm home. And there I spent the night giving mommy contractions with no relief. Grandpa brought everybody food and came and visited us for a while but he had to go home so mommy would get some rest.

About 4AM Mommy fought back and finally agreed to an Epidural. She said that it was a gift from God and here I thought I was the gift. It made all her pain go away and she spent the next 2 hours sleeping but I think I may have over-played my hand because those contractions kept on coming and now I couldn't stop them. Maybe this was not such a good idea. See the pink tiger in the pitcure, my daddy bought that for me. My mommy thinks it is cute hope she doesn't try and keep it

I finally gave up the struggle, these contraction things were just too tough for me and they finally pushed me into the world at the civilized hour of 10:57AM. And what a cold, cruel, wet world it is. These people have no respect for us cave dwellers. They had on all these lights, and I missed my home. Then someone wrapped me up in a warm blanket and handed me to my mommy. I tried laying there with my eyes closed to see if I could make it all go away. My Uncle Josh managed to call mere momnents after I was born to say hi. Does he have good timing or what??

This crazy woman keeps walking around me setting off flashbulbs in my face. What's with that. How can someone be so rude.

Okay she won't go away maybe if I give her the face she will quit taking all these pictures and let me get back to snuggling with mommy.

I tried running away to visit with my daddy thinking maybe he would protect me from the camera lady but he just smiled and she took more pictures.

And still More - Daddy kind of acts like he thinks I'm cute doesn't he? He has no idea how much trouble I will give him over the years. But I am sure he will love me anyway.

Then an even worse thing happened they took me away from my mommy and into this place they called a nursery. They did all sorts of tests and other mean things. They already knew I was perfect. I don't see why they had to subject me to all these tests just to prove something so obvious. And this time not only did I have the crazy camera woman but my Tata Santos and my Aunt Jenny staring at me too. I think all this might take some getting used to but just in case they didn't realize I wasn't having a good time I decided to scream for them to show them how I really felt. Mommy I want my mommy.

Vital Stats On Our Newest member - Miss Emily Marie -
7 Pounds 1 Ounce - 20 Inches long - Born May 22nd 10:53AM
To Be continured:
She's a beautiful creature! Those feet look kind of small though. Just a thought. The world is conspiring to do you good little one.
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