Merry Christmas - Happy New Year and all That Jazz
This year I spent Christmas traveling - For Christmas Eve we went to stay with my Uncle Jerry and Auntie Dee - Aunt Shirley was there too and grammy and grampy. Then I went to my Grandma aand Grandpa Lopez's for Christmas with them.(There are no pictures of this yet because mommy has to have them developed. Last we went to Grammy's and had Christmas again there. It was fun but how come grown ups always try and confuse me? For weeks now I have gotten yelled at for opening pakages and they always got rewrapped and put back under the tree. Then they take me everywhere and put them all around me to open them. I was sure it was a trick especially with the way they were all standing around with cameras. They were collecting evidence against me I was sure, I've watched CSI. In the end I could hold out no longer and ripped into the packages with glee. And they didn't yell at me once. By the end of the day I was too tired to open those last few packages at home. Got lots of cool new goodies and pretty clothes. Thanks to everyone. Someday I will be grownup and I will send you presents too.
On with the pictures --- Here's Santa - I wasn't very happy that they gave me to this strange man but at least he didn't bite me. Get a look at that hairy face.

Click below for the rest of the pictures
Emmy's Second Christmas