Emily Marie - The Minor Years

This is Miss Emily's New Blog - I would like all the family members to be part of it - This will be the journal of her life in an electronic age. Feel free to add comments about her or your own memories and family photos etc. Think of it as an Electronic Baby Book

August 14, 2004

Bunches of free programs for the wee ones

Free Kids Games downloads

Game for children ages 6 months to 3 years - BabyKeys for Windows

Game for children ages 6 months to 3 years - BabyKeys for Windows

Teach children the alphabet and spelling. - ABC Kid Genius - More Free Lapware

Teach children the alphabet and spelling. - ABC Kid Genius

Sesame Street - Games - Lapware games for baby

Sesame Street - Games

August 08, 2004

KIDiddles: Song Lyrics: Good Morning Merry Sunshine

KIDiddles: Song Lyrics: Good Morning Merry Sunshine: "

I used to sing a version of this song to your mommy every morning when I woke her up. Never could remember all the Lyrics so I thought I would post the here for her.

Good morning, merry sunshine,
How did you wake so soon?
You've scared the little stars away,
And shone away the moon.
I watched you go to sleep last night,
Before I stopped my play,
How did you get way over there,
And, pray, where did you stay?

I never go to sleep, dear,
I just go 'round to see
My little children of the East,
Who rise to watch for me.
I waken all the birds and bees,
And flowers on my way,
Then last of all, the little child
Who stayed out late to play."