Emily's March - Brought to you by Bad Grammy
Emily's March click here for pictures
Grammy thinks just because she is busy she doesn't have to put my pictures up. I think she should think again and I tell her that all the time. To Grammy and mommys credit they have been kinda busy and I haven't always been helpful in the last month. I have my first tooth , on the bottom and I just know there are more of those little buggers waiting to come in because they drive me nuts. So of course I scream plus we just moved so I have been sort of unsettled. It is nice getting to see mommy and daddy everyday. But the new house reminds me of some other house and I just can't quite put my finger on it. Ay any rate now I get to play in my own room with all my toys instead of just some like grandmas.
In March Lindsey came down to visit us and there are pictures of us together in the link above plus some bath pics and eating carrots pics, Me playing pirate baby the Easter Basket and even my dog maddy, but I don't like her very much, she likes to nibble on my feet.
Oh and I have leard how to stand up, My crawling is real good but I don't like to get my knees dirty so I do my elephant walk.
Enjoy the pics and hopefully I will be back soon as long as grammy isn't so busy.