August 14, 2004
August 08, 2004
KIDiddles: Song Lyrics: Good Morning Merry Sunshine
KIDiddles: Song Lyrics: Good Morning Merry Sunshine: "
I used to sing a version of this song to your mommy every morning when I woke her up. Never could remember all the Lyrics so I thought I would post the here for her.
Good morning, merry sunshine,
How did you wake so soon?
You've scared the little stars away,
And shone away the moon.
I watched you go to sleep last night,
Before I stopped my play,
How did you get way over there,
And, pray, where did you stay?
I never go to sleep, dear,
I just go 'round to see
My little children of the East,
Who rise to watch for me.
I waken all the birds and bees,
And flowers on my way,
Then last of all, the little child
Who stayed out late to play."